Have You got a website? Do You know, that You can effective earn money in biggest world internet company – Google? Here You will get detailed information about the Adsense advertising program, which enables to earn money from Your website. Signing up an account at Google Adsense is really easy – You only have to fill a short application form and write Your username at Google Accounts (Google Accounts user is user with his password at Gmail service, if You have it. If You not, You can make it in few seconds using Your actual e-mail).
Google Ads is an offer for webmasters, who want to earn money on their webpages by putting on them ads, connected with the content of websites. It’s obviously the best, most popular and best paid advertising program over the world. There are about few millions of members of Google Adwords contextual ads. Practically, You can be almost sure, that there will never be lack of ads on Your website, in consequence Your profits will have no break. We are getting money for every click on ad arranged on our website. Prices of those clicks are very different – starting with 1 cent and ending on few dollars per click. Prices are connected with content of the site – reliable, popular site, about expensive houses or exclusive yachts will obviously have much better paid ads than a site about music. As a Google Adsense user I can say, that prices on music sites are average 7-10 cents per click. How much daily will You earn it’s just up to You. For more information, I encourage to read thread “How much will I earn?”.
How much will I earn?
Your profits are up to You, as it has been said before. The most important factor, having impact on Your revenue is obviously the popularity of Your site. Next is ratio between clicks on ads and page views (called CTR). Last one is a price for click, which You have lowest influence on (but You still have – see Ads Filter).
Most important is to increase amount your daily traffic. But how to increase it? Either easiest or the best idea to increase daily visits is updating the content of the site. Of course design of our site also matters – site don’t have to be a miracle of graphic technology, but it should be clear for users. Remember – good sites are getting more popular by Silent Marketing – recommending Your site by users. Except from content update, You should also promote Your website by many different places available in the internet. Very good idea for promoting website is link exchange with sites with the same subject, adding site to the toplists, directories and advertising site by different communication solutions, like forums and so on.
Next thing, on which depend Your profits is CTR ratio, which is mostly connected with a placement of ads on Your site. Ads should be arranged in places well seen by Your users. Good idea is to place for example link units (You can read about them in thread Ad Formats) below menu or place on the left or right side of webpage banner called Wide Sky-Scraper. More about most profitable ads placement You can find in thread Ad Placement.
Enough theory, let’s see the practical side. To earn minimum payout limit (100$) in few months, with well placed ads, our site has to have about 50 unique visits daily. Of course equal to increasing visits our revenue will also increase - Google Adsense has no limits with monthly revenue (a lot of webmasters are earning over 100 thousands dollars monthly – but they a really huge daily traffic on their sites). Google Adsense doesn’t set limit of websites per user, so You can make the traffic on a few or even few hundreds of websites. Google doesn’t require to inform them about every new website – once accepted application is enough and You can put Your ad codes on no limit number of websites (except from sites containing porn and some other forbidden subjects – more about Google Adsense rules You can find in thread Important Information). Earned money is paid out monthly after every exceed 100$ (more in Payments thread)
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